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My Chess Blog

Happy New Chess Year!

Posted on December 31st, 2010 by Richard

On New Years Eve here is a match I won against Numpty (07) as White in the Scotch opening- Happy New Year to all chess players!

[pgn height=500 autosavenone]
[Event “Computer chess game”]

[Site “ubuntu”]

[Date “2010.12.31”]

[Round “?”]

[White “Me”]

[Black “Numpty_07pr”]

[Result “1-0”]

[BlackElo “2000”]

[ECO “C45”]

[Opening “Scotch”]

[Time “22:10:16”]

[Variation “Tartakower Variation”]

[WhiteElo “2400”]

[TimeControl “300”]

[Termination “normal”]

[PlyCount “67”]

[WhiteType “human”]

[BlackType “program”]

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 exd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nxc6 bxc6 6. e5 Nd5 7. c4 Nb6

{(d5b6) 0.00/6 9} 8. b3 d6 {(d7d6) 0.00/6 9} 9. Bb2 dxe5 {(d6e5) 0.00/6 9}

10. Qxd8+ Kxd8 {(e8d8) 0.00/1 0} 11. Bxe5 Nd7 {(b6d7) 0.00/6 9} 12. Bg3 Bd6

{(c8b7) 0.00/6 8} 13. Bh4+ Ke8 {(d7f6) 0.00/7 8} 14. Nd2 Ne5 {(d7e5) 0.00/6

7} 15. Be2 Bg4 {(e5g6) 0.00/6 7} 16. Nf3 Nxf3+ {(e5f3) 0.00/6 6} 17. gxf3

Bb4+ {(d6b4) 0.00/6 7} 18. Kf1 Bh3+ {(g4h3) 0.00/6 7} 19. Kg1 c5 {(b4c3)

0.00/6 5} 20. Bg3 Rc8 {(a8c8) 0.00/6 6} 21. f4 Rd8 {(c8d8) 0.00/6 5} 22.

Bf3 Rd2 {(d8d2) 0.00/6 6} 23. Bg2 Bc3 {(h3e6) 0.00/6 6} 24. Rc1 Bb2 {(h3g2)

0.00/6 4} 25. Rb1 Bf5 {(h3e6) 0.00/6 4} 26. Rf1 Bd4 {(b2d4) 0.00/6 4} 27.

Bd5 Rxa2 {(d2a2) 0.00/6 4} 28. Kg2 Kf8 {(h8f8) 0.00/6 4} 29. Re1 Bc2

{(h7h5) 0.00/5 4} 30. f5 Bxf5 {(c2f5) 0.00/5 3} 31. Bxc7 Rxf2+ {(a2f2)

0.00/5 4} 32. Kg3 Rd2 {(h7h5) 0.00/5 4} 33. Bd6+ Kg8 {(f8g8) 0.00/1 0} 34.

Re8# 1-0


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