Posted on November 15th, 2012 by Richard
Wow it appears to be just over a year since my last post here!
If blog posting was a chess game I would have lost on time ages ago! I must have been doing too many other things (I have even started a football blog following Ipswich Town FC-bet there aren’t many of those around these days! Surprisingly I have kept it regularly updated-see the sidebar for a link to it).
So what can I report on my chess front?
My chess playing has taken a step back over the last season. I played some poorish games in my club play and lost too many and sadly I felt I could get not enough support to help me improve. So I took the decision not to join the chess club for this new season. I feel I get much more enjoyment playing blitz chess online and playing chess programs on the computer as OTB in the club. Actually I haven’t played that much chess on the computer. I did treat myself to Chess Position Trainer (CPT) and started to practice with it but I have not used it in many weeks. I still would like to improve my online blitz rating and did have a good game against a 1350 player today but the game was drawn just as I was about to deliver mate! (at least I didn’t lose). I have actually been doing more chess programming recently and have started blog posts about this ( see Chess Programming page on nav/menu-EDIT-I have just noticed this page is not working fully & I will need to adjust my WordPress theme files to fix this). I have also done a couple more chess videos (see them at my Youtube video page rpdatutube).
I did play a rapidplay tournament a while ago- the Thetford RapidPlay and did better than last year with 3/6 in the Minor section. I had x2 wins x2 draws and x2 losses-consistently mediocre!
Finally I have recently had a good contact with another chess blogger Chris- he runs a fine chess site called Chess Musings. We have swapped links-see the link to his blog on the sidebar links.
Well of course I hope to do more regular posts on all aspects of chess here but for now happy chessing all! 🙂
Tags: chess, my chess games
Posted in chess games, My Chess • Comment on this post »
Written by: Richard
Posted on July 28th, 2011 by Richard
Well it appears quite sometime since my last post!
I have still been playing chess since my last post with mixed success.
I am disappointed my 5 min blitz rating still remains lower than I want.
My opening play is generally reasonable though there are parts that still need study but I feel it is my middle and endgame I have to do better with and also I need to play more quickly!
Anyway I will try & put more effort into understanding the mid & end games. Meanwhile I keep sparring away with my favourite & great chess engine Numpty. When I play the Scotch opening Numpty often plays the Malanuik variation Bb4+. This can then transpose into other variations depending how play goes. I still haven’t mastered this opening variation as white & usually Numpty beats me in this variation.
My favourite white opening against Numpty remains the g4 Bayonet variation of the Advance CaroKann. I have found some areas that Numpty doesn’t like in this variation & it has been interesting playing this against Numpty.
Here then are x2 recent games vs Numpty. First a win for me in the CaroKann g4 Bayonet var & then a win for Numpty in the Scotch Malanuik variation (transposed to Tartakower var). Enjoy…
Game1: RPD vs Numpty CaroKann adv g4 bayonet var 1-0
[pgn parameter=value height=500 autoplayMode=none]
[Event “Computer chess game”]
[Date “2011.07.28”]
[Round “?”]
[White “Richard”]
[Black “Numpty_07pr”]
[Result “1-0”]
[BlackElo “2000”]
[ECO “B12”]
[Opening “Caro-Kann”]
[Time “08:31:58”]
[Variation “Advance, 4.Nf3 e6”]
[WhiteElo “2400”]
[TimeControl “300”]
[Termination “normal”]
[PlyCount “59”]
[WhiteType “human”]
[BlackType “program”]
1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. e5 Bf5 4. g4 Be4 5. Nf3 Nh6 6. Bxh6
gxh6 7. Nbd2 Qb6 8. Nb3 e6 9. Bg2 Rg8 10. h3 Qb4+ 11.
c3 Qb6 12. Nh4 Bxg2 13. Nxg2 a5
14. a4 c5 15. O-O c4 16. Nd2 Qxb2 17. Rb1 Qxc3 18. Rxb7
Qxd4 19. Qe2 Nc6 20. Nf3 Qe4 21. Ne3 Bb4 22. Rb6 Nxe5
23. Nxe5 Qxe5 24. f4 Qd4 25. Rb7 Bc5
26. Rf3 Qa1+ 27. Kh2 Bxe3 28. Qxe3 Qxa4 29. Qc5 Rxg4
30. Qe7# 1-0 [/pgn]
Game 2: Scotch Malanuik var (transposed to Tartakower var) 0-1
[pgn parameter=value height=500 autoplayMode=none]
[Event “Computer chess game”]
[Date “2011.07.28”]
[Round “?”]
[White “Richard”]
[Black “Numpty_07pr”]
[Result “0-1”]
[BlackElo “2000”]
[ECO “C45”]
[Opening “Scotch”]
[Time “08:09:38”]
[Variation “Tartakower Variation”]
[WhiteElo “2400”]
[TimeControl “300”]
[Termination “normal”]
[PlyCount “62”]
[WhiteType “human”]
[BlackType “program”]
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 exd4 4. Nxd4 Bb4+ 5. c3 Bc5 6. Nxc6 bxc6 7. Nd2
Qf6 8. Nf3 Qg6 9. Qd3 Nf6 10. e5 Ng4
11. Qxg6 Bxf2+ 12. Ke2 hxg6 13. h3 Bg3 14. Nd4 Nxe5
15. Bg5 O-O 16. Nf3 Ba6+ 17. Kd2
Nxf3+ 18. gxf3 Bb7 19. h4 c5 20. Bg2 d5 21. Raf1 Rae8
22. Bh3 Ba6 23. Rfg1 Bd6 24. Bd7 Re2+
25. Kc1 Rf2 26. Bc6 Rb8 27. Bxd5 Rbxb2 28. Be3 Rfc2+ 29. Kd1 Bd3 30. Be4 Rb1+ 31. Bc1
Rbxc1# 0-1
Tags: chess, Chess game, my chess games
Posted in chess games, Chess Openings, My Chess • Comment on this post »
Written by: Richard
Posted on July 21st, 2010 by Richard
I haven’t posted in a while, partly because I have had big problems with WordPress themes for my chess blog. I still have those problems!
Anyway here is a chess update about how to improve my rating:
My chess rating is slowly going up. As I play better, my rating improves as I start to win more (& lose less). My problem has been to identify how do I improve my chess? I know at my level I make weak moves but I need to know why my moves are weak and how to change and make stronger moves.
I believe I have finally realised that I need to improve my game analysis through better assessment and calculation. In short I have not been good at analysis, assessment and calculation and my weaknesses in these areas let me down. More or less up to now I have been playing what I ‘feel’ to be sound moves without thinking much about my game plan and the opponents plan and crucially without calculating through my moves enough! In effect I play the whole game on ‘auto-pilot’ mode and while my opening knowledge is reasonable, my mid and endgame play is much weaker and so I struggle and often lose from good positions! I look forward to changing this by thinking & calculating my moves before playing them! I’m sure this will make me become a better player and I look forward to detailing how I can do this and sharing it here!
Meanwhile here is a win of mine in Alapin Sicilian B22 opening:
[pgn parameter=value height=500 autoplayMode=none]
[Event “rated blitz match”]
[Site “Free Internet Chess Server”]
[Date “2010.07.19”]
[Round “?”]
[White “me”]
[Black “AN”]
[Result “1-0”]
[WhiteElo “1297”]
[BlackElo “1311”]
[ECO “B22”]
[TimeControl “300”]
1. e4 c5 2. c3 Nc6 3. Nf3 d6 4. d4 cxd4 5. cxd4 g6 6. Bb5 Bd7 7. Nc3 a6 8.
Ba4 Bg7 9. O-O b5 10. Bc2 Nf6 11. h3 Qc8 12. Bg5 O-O 13. Qd2 Bxh3 14. gxh3
Qxh3 15. Nh2 h6 16. Bf4 e5 17. dxe5 dxe5 18. Bg3 Rad8 19. Qe3 Nh5 20. Rad1
Nd4 21. Bd3 b4 22. Nd5 f5 23. Nxb4 f4 24. Bxf4 Qxe3 25. Bxe3 Nf3+ 26. Nxf3
Rxf3 27. Nxa6 Nf4 28. Nb4 g5 29. Bc4+ Kh7 30. Rxd8 g4 31. Bxf4 h5 32. Bg3
{AN resigns} 1-0[/pgn]
Tags: chess, Chess game, Chess Openings, my chess games
Posted in My Chess • Comment on this post »
Written by: Richard
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