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My Chess Blog

More weekend blitz chess…

Posted on May 29th, 2010 by Richard

I am on my own this weekend (family away!) and am playing my customary internet weekend blitz games. I am also trying to load a chessboard.bmp into some c gui code for a chess gui I want to build. So far I am having mixed results both chess playing & chess coding!

Here are one or two games:

1. Opening French Steinitz variation:
[pgn height=500 initialhalfMove=16 autoplaymode=none]
[Event “rated blitz match”]
[Site “Free Internet Chess Server”]
[Date “2010.05.29”]
[Round “?”]
[White “me”]
[Black “AN”]
[Result “1-0”]
[WhiteElo “1046”]
[BlackElo “1311”]
[ECO “C00”]
[TimeControl “300”]

1. e4 e6 2. e5 c5 3. f4 g6 4. Nf3 Bg7 5. d4 Ne7 6. d5 exd5 7. Nc3 d4 8. Ne4
O-O 9. Nxc5 Nbc6 10. Nd3 Nf5 11. Be2 Ne3 12. Bxe3 dxe3 13. O-O d6 14. Ng5
dxe5 15. Nxe5 Qxd1 16. Raxd1 Nxe5 17. fxe5 Bxe5 18. c3 Bf5 19. Nf3 Bc7 20.
Nd4 Be4 21. Rfe1 Rad8 22. Nb5 Bb6 23. Rxd8 Rxd8 24. Rd1 Rxd1+ 25. Bxd1 Bc6
26. Nd4 Be4 27. g3 Bb1 28. a3 Bd3 29. Kg2 Be4+ 30. Kf1 Bd3+ 31. Kg2 Be4+ 32.
Kf1 Bxd4 33. cxd4 Kf8 34. Ke2 Bc6 35. Kxe3 Ke7 36. Bf3 Bxf3 37. Kxf3 Kd6 38.
Ke4 f6 39. g4 a6 40. h4 b6 41. b4 a5 42. bxa5 bxa5 43. a4 h6 44. Ke3 Kd5 45.
Kd3 f5 46. gxf5 gxf5 47. Ke3 h5 48. Kf4 Kxd4 49. Kxf5 Kc4 50. Kg5 Kb4 51.
Kxh5 Kxa4 52. Kg5 Kb3 53. h5 a4 54. h6 a3 55. h7 a2 56. h8=Q Ka3 57. Qa1 Kb3
58. Kg4 Ka3 59. Kf3 Kb3 60. Ke2 Ka3 61. Kd1 Kb3 62. Kc1 Ka3 63. Qb2+
{AN resigns} 1-0[/pgn]

Game 2:
Opening Modern defence
[pgn height=500 initialhalfMove=16 autoplaymode=none]
[Event “rated blitz match”]
[Site “Free Internet Chess Server”]
[Date “2010.05.29”]
[Round “?”]
[White “me”]
[Black “NN”]
[Result “1-0”]
[WhiteElo “1034”]
[BlackElo “1131”]
[ECO “B06”]
[TimeControl “300”]

1. e4 g6 2. d4 b6 3. Nf3 Bb7 4. Nc3 Bg7 5. Be3 c5 6. d5 Bxc3+ 7. bxc3 e6 8.
c4 Nf6 9. Bd3 O-O 10. O-O exd5 11. cxd5 d6 12. Qd2 Nbd7 13. Bg5 Qe8 14. Bxf6
Nxf6 15. Rae1 Nd7 16. Qh6 Ne5 17. Ng5 f5 18. Qxh7# {NN checkmated} 1-0[/pgn]

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